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Isfahan genetics center was founded in 2000 by Dr Sadeq Vallian Boroujeni. Dr Vallian was graduated from King’s College School of Medicine and Dentistry, King’s college London, London, UK, in Medical  Genetics. He did his postdoctoral fellowship in Laboratory Medicine in MD Anderson Cancer center, Texas University, USA. Dr Vallian is 
working as a full Professor of Human Moecular Genetics at University of Isfahan, Isfahan, IR Iran.

For the first time in Isfahan, Isfahan genetics center has introduced prenatal diagnosis of genetic diseases. This center with expert personnel provides services in molecular diagnosis, cytogenetics and genetic counseling. Moreover, this center could provide services for research based projects for MSc and PhD students.
In this center prenatal diagnosis for genetic diseases is performed as daily routines. This center has close collaboration with several European and Asian genetic diagnostic centers, and therefore, can offer a broad list of genetic diagnosis to patients. Moreover, in view of the location of the center in the new medical center in the south part of Isfahan, the accessibility of patients to different medical professionals is easily possible. Furthermore, due to the close collaboration of this center with expert gynecologists and pediatricians in Isfahan and other city of Iran, all the prenatal diagnosis services are performed as team-based services from genetic counseling to prenatal diagnosis. Fetal sampling as amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS) are performed by anthe expert gynecologist and/or radiologist associated with this center.
Finally, this center is honored to have a 10 years successful prenatal genetics services in Isfahan.
 our Contact:Isfahan Genetics Center Elna Complex,
 Mohtasham Kashani Street Hakim Nezami Street
, Isfahan, IR  Iran
Tel: +98 3116289773-4
Fax: +98 311 6289644
Isfahan genetics center was founded in 2000 by Dr Sadeq Vallian Boroujeni. Dr Vallian was graduated from King’s College School of Medicine and Dentistry, King’s college London, London, UK, in Medical Genetics. He did his postdoctoral fellowship in Laboratory Medicine in MD Anderson Cancer center, Texo University, USA. He is
working as professor of human genetics at University of Isfahan, Isfahan, IR Iran.